Why is the Government wasting so much money for a national plebiscite on same sex-marriage?
Why am I, and the average earning, hardworking, Ford-driving Australian tax payer picking up a significant proportion of the tab?
Why, once again, and this time a very 'Vanita being dramatic' WHY in capital letters ?
Mr Turnbull revealed that the cost of a voluntary postal plebiscite would cost taxpayers $122 million, the full cost of the plebiscite would be higher (News.com.au)
But wait, there’s more, PricewaterhouseCoopers (so painful to type) or PwC on 14 March 2017 posted on their website that a stand-alone plebiscite with compulsory vote on marriage equality could cost the Australian economy $525 million. Apart from 'for' and 'against' campaigns, PwC modelling estimates include:
- Stand-alone plebiscite = $158 million
- Lost productivity as people take time-off to vote = $281 million
- Costs associated with the impact on the mental health and well-being of Australian citizens = $20 million
According to PwC, “the modelling quantifies the direct cost to the health system through the increased use of mental health services and the indirect cost of absenteeism in the workplace to estimate the total cost associated with mental health and well being as a result of the public debate of a plebiscite. The total cost is conservatively estimated to exceed $20 million with an estimated 50,000 LGBTI (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex) people negatively affected”. And please include me as a contributor to costs to the mental health and well-being because the Government had no right to waste my time and money on something that is none of my business.
I consider myself slightly – okay, a bit more than slightly – iconoclastic, however, who am I to decide on the life and choices of another human being?
It is as simple as that.
It is not my decision. There are others who have objections to marriage equality, and there is nothing that the government, religious groups, you, me or anyone can do to change their minds and there is no point in wasting anyone’s time, resources, or money on changing minds. Grow a pair and make a decision whoever needs to make a decision. I also agree that there are churches, temples, mosques and other places of worship which may not allow a marriage ceremony of the same sex, then the same sex couple will move on – and have it in the Hilton Grand Ballroom, or Mt Coot-tha or a pretty garden – use my backyard, (or is it a side yard) I have a swing, a great Bluetooth speaker with disco lights.
The point is that some people will never change. I do feel for the people who wish to be treated just like everyone else but it’s sad that we have people in our community who find hard to accept this.
At the same time, this subject is so much more acceptable now then it was in the past.
In saying that, I will never harm, hate or harass anyone who will vote no. Each to their own. While we have a right to say YES, I respect the views of those who say NO based on their beliefs and as long as they are not homophobic. I have friends who have voted no because of their beliefs, but they are not at all homophobic – it’s their prerogative. Like I said before there are people who will never change – leave them to their own, it’s not my job to change the minds of homophobic, I rather save my time and help the unfortunate, and leave the pathetic ones to themselves.
My argument is that I shouldn’t be the one to decide on same sex marriage, for me, it’s getting married to a person of your choice, just like I got married to the person I wanted to get married to (should have listened to my father when he told me not to marry him – anyhoo... that is a story for another day). I believe marriage is based on love and commitment – two people love each other and they want to legalise it - I don’t see anything wrong with that.
Every person is EQUAL, man woman, straight, curved, gay, white, yellow, black, olive, carrot, lesbian, transgender or brown like me - cut us open, we all bleed RED.
Celebrate the marriage either in a place of worship or a garden, celebrate the love of the two people – but I shouldn’t be the one to decide whether or not it should be legal.
A friend asked my thoughts on marriage equality, and my answer was: “We all are equal, so why the division, I got married, and I got divorced, if two people want to get married, why not, it is their choice, I don’t really care about a plebiscite, the marriage will end up in a divorce eventually”. These were my thoughts on a bad day, however, on a good day, I do back it up with statistics as compiled by the Australia Bureau of Statistics that 36% of marriages end in divorce.
My question is: Why do we have divisions? In that case let us have different rules, if anyone say's its gay marriage and not just marriage then, go ahead and fight to change all the rules and laws, start issuing gay traffic fines because she was gay speeding. Vanita was non-gay speeding so she got a non-gay traffic fine, she objected to the non-gay traffic fine and is now summonsed to attend the non-gay court in the presence of a non-gay judge who will send her to the non-gay prison. Now this was a bit over the top - but I hope my point is clear.
On a serious note, no one is asking for special treatment, same sex couples are asking for equal treatment. Make them accountable as a legal couple in our society. This is a fair proposal.
Need I say more?
Source: PwC Website, ABS Census Data