07 Jul
Role Model
The best role model is one who lives what they teach. The admonition, “Do as I say, not as I do”, doesn’t hold water anymore, and it never did. I grew up learning by example, by watching my parents. And I know I have my head screwed on right, and so does my brothers.… Continue reading
08 Feb
A kind word
Sometimes I do wrong things, I am not perfect like you. I push doors despite the clear sign that states PULL. I open the fridge and I forget what I need. I put the butter in the pantry and the nutella in the fridge. Today I put the milk in the pantry I hide my… Continue reading
08 Jun
Anger Management
Interesting. I turned on the tv as I do, and there was this person talking about anger. He said if you are angry, sit down, if you are still angry, lie down. And I did just that – I decided to lie down. Not sure if the anger went away because I was laying down… Continue reading
08 May
The System
If only my you could hear my inner voice, it was surely screaming on top of its lungs that is, if the inner voice has another set of lungs inside its own body structure; and that if, the inner voice has another body – that’s a wee bit inception-ish isn’t it. Well I received a… Continue reading
23 Oct
The Human Cost of War
I posted this blog on another forum on 23 October 2011 A War is the organised killing of humans. Its very existence shames humanity or humankind. War causes unimaginable physical injury and insult to the human body and its spirit. From the physical and mental, individual and social, to the immediate and prolonged suffering and loss, the… Continue reading