12 Feb
NBN – Timeline of Events
Timeline of Events – The National Broadband Network (NBN) – Australia 2007 21 March 2007 ALP announces plans to build a national high-speed broadband network for $4.7 billion. Labor proposes to sell up to $2.7 billion in Telstra shares held in the Future Fund to help pay for the project. They propose connecting 98 per… Continue reading
17 Oct
Malware (short for ‘malicious software’) is the term used to refer to any type of code or program that is used for a malicious purpose. Hackers use malware for many different reasons but common types of malware are used for stealing your confidential information, holding your computer to ransom or installing other programs without… Continue reading
18 Aug
The Boss of Your Domain
So how do domain names work? Well, a domain must be registered with an entity called a “registrar“. A registrar is a company that issues and manages domain names. Examples include Network Solutions, GoDaddy, and Register.com. Now, your website lives on a web server and has a specific address assigned to it, called an “IP address“, which stands… Continue reading
11 Aug
08 Aug